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Remember the Liberty

To the tune of “Skye Boat Song

Old Glory she flew
Over waters of blue
Under a cloudless sky,
But foul treachery
Soon colored the sea
And many good men would die.

While desperate battle
Was raging nearby
Over an ancient land,
The vessels crew members
Could never have dreamed
What others for them had planned.

Old Glory she flew
Over waters of blue
Under a cloudless sky,
But foul treachery
Soon colored the sea
And many good men would die.

For hours they came
The Israeli planes,
Surveying the ship below. .
That this was the boat
Of their closest ally
Was impossible not to know.

Old Glory she flew
Over waters of blue
Under a cloudless sky,
But foul treachery
Soon colored the sea
And many good men would die.

Then cold-blooded murder
Rained down from the sky
The cries for help purposely stilled
The brutes left no doubt
The siege would go on
Till everyone had been killed.

Old Glory she flew
Over waters of blue
Under a cloudless sky,
But foul treachery
Soon colored the sea
And many good men would die.

Somehow they broke through
The electronic gag;
Our warplanes were on their way,
But then came the greatest
Stab in the back:
They were called back by LBJ.

Old Glory she flew
Over waters of blue
Under a cloudless sky,
But foul treachery
Soon colored the sea
And many good men would die.

Now too many people
Had learned of the crime;
The killer was forced to stop short
With a gaping torpedo
Hole in her side,
The victim limped back to port.

What happened that day
Was a sinister scheme
That they’ve tried to this day to hide.
The men were the victims
Of a covert plot .
With the code name of CYANIDE.

With politics played
Our men were betrayed
This foul treachery
Has touched you and me
And left on us all a stain.
This foul treachery
Has reached you and me
And left on us all a stain.

David Martin

1 Thought to “Remember the Liberty”

  1. […] lives forever, but not so nation states. Build a state on treachery, who knows what fate awaits? If our pols weren’t spineless, and Boltons were no more, The […]

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