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A Country They Own

To the tune of “A World of Our Own

What’s the chance, what’s the chance, we’ll get our country back?
It will take a lot of courage, yes, the courage we lack.
The values we prized are now almost gone,
As we live in a country they own.

It’s a country they own, the Zionists, I swear,
And they’re hardly inclined all their power to share,
And to no one’s surprise, they rule us with lies,
As we live in a country they own.

They call it a “canard,” divided loyalty.
Oh, no, it’s not divided. That’s not how it seems to me.
They bow down to Israel and to Israel alone,
While it’s the USA that they own.

It’s a country they own, the Zionists, I swear,
And they’re hardly inclined all their power to share,
And to no one’s surprise, they rule us with lies,
As we live in a country they own.

It’s a country they own, the Zionists, I swear,
And they’re hardly inclined all their power to share,
And to no one’s surprise, they rule us with lies,
As we live in a country they own.
And to no one’s surprise, they rule us with lies,
As we live in a country they own.

David Martin

See Buelahman’s video.

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