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YouTube Censorship

To the tune of “Good Ship Lollipop

See the YouTube censorship,
So the truth they won’t let slip,
Where we cannot see
The unacceptable, by their decree.

Where a poster violates
Rules that YouTube never states.
What I can’t see
Might be bad for them but good for me.

And the total amount of your viewer count
Will be kept within control.
What they decry, “Oh, no!”
Might be what you extol.

If it’s hydroxychloroquine
Or the safety of a vaccine,
You’ll find your lips well zipped,
If you depart from the given script.

See the YouTube censorship,
So the truth they won’t let slip,
Where we cannot see
The unacceptable, by their decree.

David Martin

2 Thoughts to “YouTube Censorship”

  1. We’re one of a kind, unfortunately.

  2. […] New revelations are coming out almost daily of the rather heavy-handed way they have accomplished the task on Twitter.  I have also written previously over such control by the Internet companies in “Google, Tool of the Deep State,” “YouTube Censorship Really Hits Home,” “YouTube’s Complete Corruption Revealed,” “YouTube ‘Crucifies’ Covid-19 ‘Savior’,” “YouTube: Truth about Jewish Power is ‘Hate Speech’,” “An ‘Adult Content’ YouTube Video,” and “Video on 9/11 Removed As ‘Hate Speech’”.  I’ve even done a song parody with links called “YouTube Censorship.” […]

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