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The Battle against COVID-19

To the tune of “The Battle of New Orleans

In a city deep in China someone made a little slip,
Or in the government they said, “It’s time to let ‘er rip.”
Around the world there quickly spread the new mysterious scourge,
And politicians showed us their authoritarian urge.

Till I meet my end I’m gonna keep on gettin’ boosted.
‘Cause I don’t want to die from the COVID-19.
And if I don’t let them jab me, I’m sure that I’ll be roasted.
They say that those who won’t get vaxxed are selfish and mean.

Tony Fauci took the lead,
Said don’t bother with a mask.
When he changed, we mused, “Isn’t that a contradiction?”
“Yes,” was his response, “but I wonder why you ask.
My words of the moment
Are what you should heed.
As with AIDS, you see,
I know just what you need.”

Till I meet my end I’m gonna keep on gettin’ boosted.
‘Cause I don’t want to die from the COVID-19.
And if I don’t let them jab me, I’m sure that I’ll be roasted.
They say that those who won’t get vaxxed are selfish and mean.

They shut down businesses; they shut down the schools.
They shut down lots of churches
And they shut down swimming pools.
The snake oil that they peddled was too easily sold,
As we meekly hunkered down
And did what we were told.

Till I meet my end I’m gonna keep on gettin’ boosted.
‘Cause I don’t want to die from the COVID-19.
And if I don’t let them jab me, I’m sure that I’ll be roasted.
They say that those who won’t get vaxxed are selfish and mean.

Yeah, we bowed down to Fauci
And we bowed down to Birx.
We bowed down for the miracle vax
Produced so rapidly.
They pushed so hard
That a lot of us got dangerous jabs.
In retrospect, it’s gotta look like mass insanity.

Then came the dreaded Omicron to strike the final blow.
They say it came from Africa, but then what do you know?
It spread real fast, but it was mild and left with equal speed.
Now thanks to that new variant those “vaccines” we don’t need.

But till I meet my end I’m gonna keep on gettin’ boosted.
‘Cause I don’t want to die from the COVID-19.
And if I don’t let them jab me, I’m sure that I’ll be roasted.
They say that those who won’t get vaxxed are selfish and mean.

Yeah, we bowed down to Fauci
And we bowed down to Birx.
We bowed down for the miracle vax
Produced so rapidly.
They pushed so hard
That a lot of us got dangerous jabs.
In retrospect, it’s gotta look like mass insanity.


David Martin

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