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Candace, Lucas, and Ron

Has everybody now heard of Candace Owens?
Can you tell me what she's done?
She's offended powerful people and earned a big award.
When it comes to guts she's number one.

Has everybody now heard of web host Ron?
Can you tell me what he's done?
He provides a platform to folks who sound like Candace,
But her label can't be his because he's one.

Has everybody now heard of Iraq-vet Lucas?
Can you tell me what he's done?
Because of his experience, he's especially bitter.
Some think he deserves the prize that Candace won.

You have to admire their love of the truth,
All the risks they've taken for you and me.
And we'll be free
Someday soon, it's gonna be one day.

Has everybody now heard of ex-Rep. Cynthia?
Can you tell me what she's done?
Like the other Georgian Jimmy,
After high office she's only grown.

David Martin

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