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Israel’s Goose Is Cooked

Their goose is cooked.
They've revealed their state's very foundation.
It's as bad as it looked:
Fine words to cloak base aspirations.
For political gain,
Thousands on thousands they've slain.
What's revealed is the purest predation.

Their goose is cooked.
Why bother to bargain or barter?
The last time I looked,
They got what they wanted by slaughter
Of their fellow man
Because they wanted their land.
To their victims add mothers and daughters.

Their goose is cooked.
A Carthaginian peace won't be stabler.
To Trump they have looked,
In a desperate high-value wager.
But it can't have a good end.
Trump is not really their friend.
He's more like an addict's enabler.

Their goose is cooked.
They remain bent on expansion.
But they've overbooked.
Their ambitions sow permanent tension.
What do they live for
When all they see is more war
Or a lifetime of wielding a truncheon?

David Martin

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