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Wake Up or Let ’em Screw You

To the tune of “Wake Up, Little Susie” by the Everly Brothers

Wake up or let ’em screw you, wake up.
Wake up or let ’em screw you, wake up.

It’s like we’ve been asleep.
Wake up, my country, and weep.
We let ‘em get by with 9/11
And we’re in trouble deep.

Wake up or let ’em screw you.
Wake up or let ’em screw you.

Well, what will you tell your children?
You didn’t want to rock the boat?
Did you really think it’d be all right
If you just turned out to vote?

Wake up or let ’em screw you.
Wake up or let ’em screw you.

Years ago in Dallas they murdered JFK.
See what we invited then when we just looked away.
Wake up or let ’em screw you.
Wake up or let ’em screw you.
We gotta wise up.

Wake up or let ’em screw you, wake up.
Wake up or let ’em screw you, wake up.

Vietnam wasn’t so hot.
We fell for Lyndon’s plot.
The latest plan is in the works
And it’s coming, ready or not.

Wake up or let ’em screw you.
Wake up or let ’em screw you.

Well, what will you tell your children?
You didn’t want to rock the boat?
Did you really think it’d be all right
If you just turned out to vote?

Wake up or let ’em screw you.
Wake up or let ’em screw you.
Wake up or let ’em screw you.

David Martin

See Buelahman’s video version.

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