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They Want to Take Me Away

To the cadence of “They’re Coming to Take Me Away

It’s getting harder by the day
To keep us all in line.
When they make big buildings fall
And steal elections blind.

The problem’s with the thinking sort,
Who won’t do what they’re told,
Who don’t wear masks and won’t get jabbed,
Who just won’t fit the mold.

So, they want to take us away. Yes.
They want to put us away. Oh yes.
In the DC jail?
Or maybe in a FEMA farm,
Where brainwashed grads without real jobs
Will control us like Nurse Ratched.
Yes, they’re itching to put us away.

It’s almost like a joke,
Domestic terrorist.”
Because we don’t believe the news
And resent illegitimate government.

You want to laugh.
Could this be the land of the free?
But they seem to be serious.
And they want to take me away. Yes.
They want to put me away. Oh yes.
To make the “free” ones more manageable,
Happily following their puppet leaders,
And they want to take me away. Oh yes.

Would Joe do this?
Do bears have claws?
Who is left to have our backs?
The Fourth Estate is even worse.
And we’ve seen the military,
Protecting them from us in Washington.
Just think of guys like Kavanaugh and Roberts.
Our goose is cooked.

So, they want to take us away. Yes.
They want to take us away. Oh yes.
To the U.S. Gulag?

Or maybe to a FEMA farm,
Where brainwashed grads without real jobs
Will control us like Nurse Ratched.

Oh, they want to put me away.
To make the “free” ones more manageable,
Happily following their puppet leaders,
And they want to take me away. Or worse.
They want to take me away.

David Martin

One Thought to “They Want to Take Me Away”

  1. An Eagle In Your Mind

    Reminds me of a cartoon of a happy man singing and working in hell while two demons hover around saying, you know we are just not reaching that guy.
    It can be beautiful again when you free your mind from the Matrix prison the controllers have built up because they view us as human cattle.

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