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Assassination 101

We all like to hear scary stories.
I’ll tell you one that will thrill you.
If they thought it was in their interests,
Our government thugs would kill you.

It’s all in the CIA playbook.
Just the details they need to invent.
They really can be quite sloppy
When they set up their “accident.”

So what if there are no good answers
To questions like “when?” and “how?”
They know to the voice of “authority”
Most people will meekly bow.

Though the parts of the cover-up story
Can’t be crafted to fall into place,
Our press will still spare no effort
To sell us the government’s case.

When all we can hear is one version,
The government truth and no more,
Don’t you wonder about all those reporters?
Just who are they working for?

What happened to equal protection?
Who protects us from government crimes
When we can’t depend on our scholars
Or The News or The Post or The Times?

The Soviet state has now fallen,
With its empire constructed on fear.
But if we don’t do something to stop it
We’re well on our way to that here.

David Martin

9 Thoughts to “Assassination 101”

  1. Farah A Buck

    Due process is selectively applied, that is for sure.

  2. B. Lokey

    Good poem. You might add that the USA has been without a president since the current election was thieved by the criminal demon rat cabal.

  3. Afshin Nejat

    Fought the wrong enemy 80 years ago.

  4. […]   It’s really very easy to get by with when you have the government and the news media in your pocket.  The effective suppression of Lawrence: After Arabia shows that it’s also very helpful to have […]

  5. gordon dempsey

    He of the pearl pistol grips was pretty vocal, in laying out Nejat’s view of WW II, possibly reflected in Buchanan’s Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War. The Book Target Patton, after interviews with the man who carried it out, tells his fate, just before Patton was to return to the US with his message.

  6. […] Hastings, in 2013.  I link to an account of his strange fatal “accident” in my poem, “Assassination 101.”  Here is how Carl Gibson’s article on the subject […]

  7. […] Hastings, in 2013.  I link to an account of his strange fatal “accident” in my poem, “Assassination 101.”  Here is how Carl Gibson’s article on the subject […]

  8. […] Hastings, in 2013.  I link to an account of his strange fatal “accident” in my poem, “Assassination 101.”  Here is how Carl Gibson’s article on the subject […]

  9. […] Hastings, in 2013.  I link to an account of his strange fatal “accident” in my poem, “Assassination 101.”  Here is how Carl Gibson’s article on the subject […]

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