To the cadence of “Big Bad John” (Big George) (George Floyd) This drug-addled giant was really hard to subdue. He…
Give Us Mob Rule
To the tune of “Give Peace a Chance” One, two, three four Everybody’s talking about Marxism, Sexism, Ageism, Trumpism, Wokeism,…
FULL ARTICLERampant “Righteousness” and the Covid Cult
Guest article by Sam Jacobs There are two ways of getting things done: persuasion or coercion. You either convince someone…
FULL ARTICLEAmerican Militias After the Civil War: From Black Codes to the Black Panthers and Beyond
Guest article by Sam Jacobs. It appeared originally on the web site. This article is timely for a several…
FULL ARTICLESettin’ the Town on Fire
To the tune of “Settin’ the Woods on Fire” BLM and masked Antifa, Soros paid and high on reefers, With…